Heavy Protection Magick Divination for my VIP Clients.
Custom Item!
Black Magick protection with 7 deities. (including demons, arch angels, djinns, and "god form" deities)
Protect and remove all spiritual intrusions, evil eyes, curses, hexes, generational curses, negative energy, astral parasites, "trickser spirits", hypnosis / mind control curses, voodoo, bad juju, energy vampires, draining cords, plus much more.
Limited Time Offer! This offer expires in 2 days!!
Whenever I perform curse removal rootwork, I absorb the negativity from my clients, taking on the pain and malefic effects myself. While I have methods to transmute this hex energy into positivity, the process inevitably brings chaos and significant pain into my life. Those who know me well understand that I often become very ill after helping others remove their curses. This is why I cannot offer this service frequently. Don’t miss this opportunity!
As per Etsy's tangible good policy. you'll get a divination report in text file. you will also receive a custom hypnosis guided meditation audio file to open your mind to receive this powerful protection energy, a subliminal audio file for motivation, and a custom brainwave audio file synchronized to receive this positive divine vibration. Amazing value!
As per Etsy's legal policy. For entertainment purpose only. No metaphysical outcome implied or warranted. Buyer assume 100% of the risk. No Refunds.
This is "Cruelty Free" occult shop, no animals are ever harmed in any of our rituals.
Magick done by Deion. Yes, that Deion, if you don't believe me send Deion a message / email. It will be confirmed!
(Deion is a male black magician, FYI for our regular FHRA clients.)